Finishing off, Last Week Jitters and Plain old insanity

This week was probably the most intense and overwhelming throughout the whole module (other that the one were I thought I was going to die from flu). Badly-timed travel, understaffed at the office and concluding the module is a lot to handle, but I think I finally got it under control.

Probably it was because of the stress I had that I would not make it in time affected my way of thinking and struggled a little with getting round what we had to do this week. However, I finally put a finger on it and decided to go for Generative Art, i.e. visuals generated by computer code. It is a very interesting concept that is worth delving into. The process of how I decided to look into this is a bit random compared to my other weeks, as I was bouncing around binary and colour, to Stylometry and ended up on generative art. Whilst I was reading about the topic, and panicking on the side, I stumbled upon a software called Processing.

Processing is an open-source library and software created for the electronic arts, new media art, and visual design communities. Its main aim was to teach code for non-coders, such as myself. So, of course I had to check it out, and what do you do when you are two days away from the final deadline? You decide to see how this new software works. Good thing I had the documentation of the other tasks sorted out.

After binging on Youtube videos skimming to lines of code and strings and other super-techy terms, I got round to teach my Macbook…how to paint. Yes, painting.

Through lines of code, I managed to scribble something that results in getting a photo recreated in an Impressionist-style painting. Will be writing more about it soon. I will also show some other experiments I did in this new software.


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