To kick off this week’s task, we had to put together a list of the skills that we have and the skills we would like to achieve. As one can see above I got a bit carried away with the illustrative side of the “list”, and I only added the most important ones as I was running out of room on the page. I even used fancy paper for this one.

My Skills

From my time in school as well as the workplace, I can say that I have acquired the following skills:

  • Good at sketching
  • Researching
  • Proficient in design software
  • Finding/creating ‘hacks’ that makes repetitive tasks automated
  • Logo design
  • Logical thinking
  • Problem solving
  • Background in technical subjects: Maths, Physics, Technical drawing
  • Experimenting
  • Empathising
  • Mingling and getting to know people
  • BONUS: I am good at barbecuing steaks

My Gaps

As with skills, I also still have a lot to learn and improve. I think I should work on:

  • Learning animation techniques and software
  • Improve web design skills
  • Generate ideas quicker
  • Public speaking
  • Panic less
  • Manage time better
  • Prioritising
  • Learn to let go
  • Promote my work better
  • Accept that it is ok to take some time off of things

Just like any other career, creative careers are a life-long learning curve that if nurtured, the results are fruitful. Learning is part of life, otherwise we will be stuck in a rut. This reminds me of a particular point mentioned by Brian Eno, creator of Oblique Strategies card deck – that of working alone may be less overwhelming, however you will be stuck in a loop, whereas in a group, although there is a lot more to process, you will be constantly receiving information, hence your mindset is changing focus.

It was a very insightful exercise, for it helped in putting things into a perspective, especially the listing of the gaps. The next step should probably be putting that list by order of importance and “usefulness”…


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